Multiple climate zones in the smallest of spaces
Fish, whether frozen or deep-frozen: −18°C. Meat: +6°C. Butter: +10°C. When it comes to refrigerating and freezing foods, the requirements are just as diverse as the foods themselves. It takes intelligent, sustainable and efficient refrigeration systems. Like the one at Thüringer Kühlhäuser GmbH, which features the CO₂ technology of Herget GmbH & Co. KG Erfurt Kälte- und Klimatechnik and Fischer Kälte-Klima as well as highly efficient BITZER reciprocating compressors.

Project requirements
- Fulfil high efficiency and sustainability standards
- Large temperature differences
- Highest operational reliability
- Savings in operating costs
The sustainable, future-proof solution ensures much lower energy consumption – and thus significant savings when it comes to operating the new cold store. An ecological and commercial advantage.
Contact us for more information