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Keeping fish fresh with slurry ice

For the fishing industry, rapid and efficient cooling of the catch is essential. The Icelandic producer KAPP builds and delivers slurry ice machines to the entire world – for this application, with BITZER ECOLINE tandem compressors. Slurry ice is a mixture of seawater and ice, which is fluid enough to completely enwrap the fish and cool it down within an hour. The quick cooling process increases the shelf life of the fish and minimises the formation of microbacteria. In this way, the fish keeps its shape and is fresh when it reaches the end consumer.

Land-based units of OptimICE BP-140 slurry machines
KAPP delivered four land-based units of OptimICE BP-140 slurry machines. © Einar Adalsteinn Jonsson


Process cooling


Iceland, Europe

Project Year:


Industrial Sector:

Food industry



Focus product:


Further Components:

  • Receiver
  • Condenser

Technical Opportunity:


Project requirements

  • Fast refrigeration process
  • Efficient cooling
  • Reliable cold chain

KAPP has successfully sold this solution all over the world for more than 20 years, making slurry ice one of the most efficient ways of keeping fish fresh throughout the distribution chain. BITZER, together with KAPP and Vörukaup, is therefore part of the global solution when it comes to bringing fresh fish to your table.

Contact us for more information

Further references