Performance characteristics
See also BITZER software and application limits in brochures KP-100 (reciprocating compressors) and SP-170 (compact screw compressors) and ESP-130 (scroll compressors). Application limits for other semi-hermetic screw compressors and for R1270 upon request.
- The refrigerating capacity of R290 is somewhat lower than that of R22.
- R1270 has a higher refrigerating capacity than R22 and is at a similar level to R404A/R507A.
- In terms of their coefficients of performance (COP), R290 and R1270 differ only slightly from R22 (Performance comparison R290/R22 for suction gas cooled semi-hermetic reciprocating compressors and Performance comparison R1270/R22 for suction gas cooled semi-hermetic reciprocating compressors) and are thus better suited than R404A/R507A for medium-temperature and air-conditioning applications.
- Suction gas superheat has a greater effect in R290 and R1270 than in R22. Both benefit from the useful superheat in terms of performance and efficiency. This is why the use of a heat exchanger between the suction gas and liquid lines is advantageous.
- With R1270, the higher discharge gas and oil temperatures can give rise to restrictions at higher pressure ratios (e.g. low-temperature application and high condensing temperature).