Safety devices of the system in accordance with EN378
To protect the system against excess pressure, type-tested pressure relief devices must be installed. Which system sections are affected by this is determined by the requirements of EN378-2 and national legislation.
Generally speaking:
- Areas of the system that can be shut off from both sides must be secured against excess pressure, for example, because of the danger of trapped liquid!
- Lockable areas of the system that could be shut off, but cannot be shut off for operational reasons (according to EN378-2, e.g. secured shut-off valves, connection for pressure measurement) do not have to be protected against excess pressure.
- Always use type-tested pressure relief devices/pressure relief valves.
- When venting these pressure relief devices, it must be ensured that neither persons nor property are endangered by the released refrigerant.
- If possible, install the pressure relief devices on the outside wall.
- Design pressure relief device and venting lines in accordance with EN13136.
- All venting lines/pressure relief devices must be able to vent freely – be sure to protect them from blockages due to contamination and (dry) ice! In addition, it must be possible to perform a separate tightness test on these lines (e.g. for detecting a refrigerant leak).