General chemical and physical properties of R717

Natural halogen-free substance without any ozone depletion potential (PDP=0) and without green-house effect (GWP=0).


Ammonia (R717) is strongly hygroscopic!
Work carefully and avoid penetration of water and/or air humidity into the system!

Ammonia (R717) is strongly hygroscopic!
Work carefully and avoid penetration of water and/or air humidity into the system!

A high water content in ammonia systems modifies the evaporation temperature and reduces system efficiency, especially for low temperature applications!

Moreover, water can only be removed with great effort using so-called system cleaners or by renewing the refrigerant charge!


R717 has a high electric conductivity − resulting design criteria:

R717 is nearly insoluble in conventional lubricants − resulting selection criteria or measures (Oils and their influence on system design):