Oil level monitoring OLC-K1

OLC-K1 is an opto-electronic oil level monitoring using infrared light. It consists of

The oil level monitoring activates 90 s after compressor start. This time bridges any oil fluctuations due to starting conditions. During operation, the compressor is switched off by the oil level monitoring after 5 s without a detectable oil level.

Oil level monitoring OLC-K1, dimensions in mm.1: Prism unit2: Seal (copper gasket ring)3: Glass cone4: Opto-electronic unit (360° rotatable)5: Connection cable6: Screwing cap
Oil level monitoring OLC-K1, dimensions in mm.
1: Prism unit
2: Seal (copper gasket ring)
3: Glass cone
4: Opto-electronic unit (360° rotatable)
5: Connection cable
6: Screwing cap
Sketch of the opto-electronic unit of OLC-D1 and OLC-K1
Sketch of the opto-electronic unit of OLC-D1 and OLC-K1
Sketch of the prism unit of the OLC-K1, 42 bar (part no. 347 316 06)
Sketch of the prism unit of the OLC-K1, 42 bar (part no. 347 316 06)
Photo of the prism unit of the OLC-K1, 140 bar (part no. 347 316 02)
Photo of the prism unit of the OLC-K1, 140 bar (part no. 347 316 02)
Opto-electronic oil level monitoring OLC-K1


can be ordered as spare part assembly with part no.

Spare part assembly without prism unit

Prism unit

Opto-electronic unit

230 V
42 bar

347 334 03

347 334 07

347 316 06

347 317 06

115 V
42 bar

347 334 04

347 334 08

347 316 06

347 317 07

24 V
42 bar

347 334 05

347 334 09

347 316 06

347 317 14

230 V

347 334 91


347 316 02

347 317 17
(= 347 317 06 + connector)

Examples for assemblies:

Assembly OLC-K1, 230 V, 42 bar (part no. 347 334 03)
Assembly OLC-K1, 230 V, 42 bar (part no. 347 334 03)
Assembly OLC-K1, 115 V, 42 bar (part no. 347 334 04)
Assembly OLC-K1, 115 V, 42 bar (part no. 347 334 04)
Sketch of OLC-K1 for ECOLITE (part no. 347 317 17)

For details see Technical Information KT-180 and Data sheet of the opto-electronic unit.